Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blog Overhaul

Well, I've decided to give it a go and I'm going to try to start doing a new entry as often as possible, hopefully every day, but I'm not making any promises.  So, I felt like the blog needed some changing...mainly a name.

Before, it was just "Paul's Blog", which, as a man, works for me.  I'm Paul.  I have a blog.  This is Paul's blog.  But seeing as how this blog is a platform for me to put down those things which I think and feel, it probably deserves something a bit more than the usual single-digit rhetoric we males tend to give out of our penchant for all things concrete and logical (I can hear the women now: "Men are concrete and logical??").

If you haven't noticed by now, I'm starting my first garden ever.  I'm also a committed follower of Jesus Christ.  I also love food.  I love to play golf and guitar (see guys, I'm not all that weird).  And it's these things that I want to bring together and share how I try to live them out one day at a time.

We all have our own soil.  What is your life planted in?  What is your foundation?  I think any farmer will tell you that you don't get a good crop unless you have good soil.  Christ is my good soil.  He is the one into which I've planted myself, and I want to bear good fruit for Him.  I also want to plant my children in that same soil, so that they, too, can produce good fruit for His glory.  It's the only soil I've found that's worth living in.

So that's what this thing is all about:  good fruit coming from good soil, both literally and spiritually.  I hope you all join me to see how it all grows.


Booyah said...

I like the new design and the new name. I think it's very fitting for you and any blog you would have. I'm looking forward to reading more of your words!

(And seeing y'all in less than a week!)

Teri Dufilho said...

paul, i'm enjoying your blog and i think the updated home page is awesome!.....