Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 22 - Blossom Drop???

This is what happens to a beautiful tomato bloom when it doesn't get enough sun light, too much nitrogen, or it could be one of a number of factors.  It's called "blossom drop", and I think it's starting to happen to Lime Green Salad.  We've had some cloudy and unusually cool weather here the past few days and the forecast doesn't look too good either.  We're supposed to get thunderstorms today and tomorrow.  If I'm wrong, please someone correct me, because I hope it's not so.  One thing I am learning about growing your own food:  There are some things only God can do, and making a tomato grow is one of them.  If only I could live my whole life in such surrender to Him.

I'll be starting a new weekly weekend series tomorrow here on GFGS in which I give the recipe of the week.  It could be anything from desserts to salads to entrees to drinks, but I would like to start sharing some of my ideas with you all and let you enjoy them (or trash them if you think they're rubbish) and experiment with them yourselves.  A bit of a warning though:  I use a recipe about once every thousand times I cook, so most of these recipes are going to have some wiggle room incorporated in them.  Most of them I've never actually measured, so amounts will probably not be exact, but I am an engineer, and I can make a very educated guess.

Coming up tomorrow...can you guess what we're making?


Teri Dufilho said...


Teri Dufilho said...

btw, that camera takes great close-up pictures......

gekko422 said...

Hunh, I have been seeing that on my petunias and thought it was me overwatering/not watering enough. We have some sunny days coming up, hopefully the rest of the blossoms will perk up. Learn something new every day!!

Paul said...

Well, it could be from a variety of things:

-Not enough sun
-Too hot or too cold
-Too much nitrogen in the soil

The list goes on, I've just pretty meticulous with what my tomatoes get, so that's why I was assumming it was the sun light.

Joni said...

Yum! Can't wait for those recipes! Love your blog, Paul!